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Kazakhstan to launch "green" projects for $ 2.5 billion

13 октября 2021
Views: 359

In Kazakhstan, in the next four years, it is planned to implement renewable energy projects for $ 2.5 billion.

Energy Minister Magzum Mirzagaliyev announced the department's plans for the future.

"Over the next four years, it is planned to commission renewable energy projects with a capacity of over 2 GW for a total amount of about $ 2.5 billion," he said.

The minister recalled that, according to the concept for the transition to a "green economy", by 2030 the share of renewable energy sources should reach at least 15% of the total electricity generation, and by 2050 this figure should reach 50%.

"We are committed to all global trends in the industry. Energy transition, carbon neutrality and achieving climate goals are our main goals. For this we need to carry out structural reforms. In the next 10 years, we plan to increase gas generation at energy generating facilities, as well as increase the capacity of renewable sources. energy ", - he noted.

At the same time, one of the promising areas, according to him, is the development of hydrogen energy.

"Currently, Kazakhstan is developing a concept of low-carbon development until 2050, which provides for deep decarbonization measures. The issue of introducing an internal carbon tax on energy consumption, import and export duties, and global energy transition ", - summed up Mirzagaliyev.

Earlier, the department suggested regulating the access of mining centers to electricity. It is also known that about 1 trillion tenge of investment will be attracted by "green" energy in the next five years.

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