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KEGOC completed construction and installation work on two sections of the 220 kV transit under construction in the Western region

21 июля 2023
Views: 82

KEGOC JSC is implementing an infrastructure project to increase the capacity and reliability of power supply to consumers in the Western zone of the power system of Kazakhstan.

It is planned to build a second circuit of the existing 220 kV transit Uralskaya-Pravoberezhnaya-Inder-Karabatan-Kulsary-Tengiz, 779.7 kilometers long, with the expansion of existing 220 kV substations and the construction of a new 220 kV Karabatan distribution substation.

To date, construction and installation work has been fully completed at two sections - Uralskaya-Pravoberezhnaya and Inder-Karabatan, with a total length of 300 km.

The project worth 50.172 billion tenge is being implemented at the expense of the company's own funds. The project is planned to be completed within the established time frame by the end of this year.

The full implementation of the project will double the capacity of the existing transit, which will significantly increase the reliability of power supply to consumers in the Western zone of the UPS of Kazakhstan.

The project has a social significance - about 100 units of special equipment and 300 employees of contracting organizations were involved during the construction period, and after commissioning, 23 people will be hired for permanent work. In addition, domestically produced materials and equipment are widely used in the implementation of the project.



KEGOC JSC performs the functions of the System Operator of the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, owns and manages the assets of the National Electric Grid (NEG). The main activities belong to the sphere of natural monopoly. The company's balance sheet includes power transmission lines with a voltage of 220-1150 kV with a length of about 27,000 km and 82 electrical substations with an installed capacity of transformers of 38.99 GVA, which form the NPG. More detailed information about the company is available on its corporate Internet resource: www.kegoc.kz.

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