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KEGOC conducts anti-flood measures in advance

06 марта 2023
Views: 101

JSC "KEGOC" is ready for the passage of spring leashes in 2023.

In 9 regional branches of KEGOC, annual preventive work is carried out in advance and preparedness for emergency situations is ensured.

At the company's production facilities, 285 measures have been developed to prepare for the protection of power lines, buildings and structures from the effects of melt water. In sections of overhead power lines with a high risk of flooding, control overflights are carried out, and timely snow removal at substations and other production areas is ensured.

91 integrated teams consisting of 665 people have been organized to carry out emergency recovery work at power grid facilities. The brigades are equipped with 273 vehicles, 54 diesel power plants and 91 evacuation pumps. KEGOC also provides for an emergency stock of equipment, materials and spare parts.

During this period, power engineers closely cooperate with local executive and territorial bodies, hydrometeorological services for constant monitoring of changes in weather conditions and the level of rivers and reservoirs.

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