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KEGOC discussed the results of activities for 2022 and determined plans for 2023

16 марта 2023
Views: 104

On March 15, KEGOC hosted an annual event dedicated to discussing the results of the past year and identifying priorities for the current year. During the event, the results of the production and economic activities of the Company for 2022 were summed up, as well as the reports of the directors of the MES branches and NDC SO, the first head of Energoinform JSC were heard.

The anniversary year 2022 passed under the sign of the implementation of all the outlined plans, such as the fulfillment of production tasks, compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of investment projects, the creation of comfortable and safe working conditions, as well as improving the welfare of KEGOC employees. Key achievements for the reporting period include:

- completion of the construction of a 220 kV "Ortalyk" substation within the framework of the project "Strengthening the external power supply scheme of Turkestan";

- early full repayment of the loan of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the amount of 46.3 million US dollars;

- successful placement of "green" bonds for the implementation of investment projects;

- holding the first forum on safety and labor protection with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, managers and experts in the field of HSE of the group of companies of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, as well as companies from the CIS countries;

- resumption of the Program of voluntary medical insurance of the health of the Company's employees;

- increase in the total annual income of working personnel by 28%-48%, engineering and technical workers and specialists by 15%-36% and middle managers by 10%-15%;

- launch of the Program of concessional housing lending, the purpose of which is to retain and attract highly qualified personnel by providing a bank loan at a preferential interest rate.

Kanysh Moldabaev, Chairman of the Management Board, noted that the implemented measures made it possible to give an additional impetus to motivate employees, improve their well-being, as well as maintain a high level of corporate culture and social stability in the Company.

In 2023, the Company faces no less ambitious tasks: continuation of work on the projects “Strengthening the power grid of the Southern zone of the UPS of Kazakhstan” and “Unification of the energy system of Western Kazakhstan with the UPS of Kazakhstan”; ensuring the Company's entry into the stock market (IPO); obtaining an ESG rating, as well as the implementation of planned measures to improve the well-being of the Company's employees.

Summing up the meeting, Kanysh Moldabayev expressed confidence that thanks to the well-coordinated work of the team, KEGOC can look firmly into the future, be ready to solve complex technical and technological problems, and in 2023 will be able to confirm its position as a leader in the electric power industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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