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KEGOC introduces digital technologies for managing the operating modes of the Unified Electric Power System of Kazakhstan

22 марта 2021
Views: 843

At the end of 2020, KEGOC completed the creation of an automatic frequency and power control system (AFPCS). The system will continuously monitor the actual mode of operation of the UPS, and if the telemetry data indicates the detection of deviations, it will send a command to change the generation of power plants connected to the AFPCS. The system will make it possible to effectively use the maneuvering potential of domestic power plants and, consequently, increase their profitability, as well as halve the imbalances on the border with the Russian power system.

In 2021, it is planned to connect Ekibastuz SDPP-1, Moinak HPP, Bukhtarma HPP, Shulbinsk HPP and Ust-Kamenogorsk HPP to the AFPCS. At the same time, KEGOC continues to work on providing the AFPCS with management resources. At present, the issues of joining the management system of Topar Main Distribution Power Station LLP and Karabatan Utility Solutions LLP are being discussed. There is also interest in the AFPCS project from the Central Asian IPS.

There are only a few examples of implementation of such technologically complex and science-intensive projects as the AFPCS in Kazakhstan. At the same time, at all stages - from design to commissioning and launch of the system, domestic companies are involved - these are the Almaty University of Energy and Communications, LLP Kazselenergoproekt Institute, Energoinform JSC and JBR Group LLP, as well as the Russian JSC Institute for Power Systems Automation. Joint work on the project contributes to the development of unique competencies among Kazakhstani specialists. In the future, this will allow domestic companies to participate in the dissemination of the acquired experience in the creation of similar digital systems in the energy systems of foreign countries.

The AFPCS system is being implemented within the framework of the project "Implementation of a centralized system of emergency response and regime automation for controlling the operating modes of the UPS", which is part of the state program "Digital Kazakhstan". With the commissioning of the AFPCS, the benefits of the System Operator can range from 800 million tenge annually.

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