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KEGOC starts practical implementation of the project to strengthen the power grid of the Southern zone of Kazakhstan and intends to cooperate with the Asian Development Bank

13 июня 2023
Views: 127

KEGOC is starting to implement the project “Strengthening the Power Grid of the Southern Zone of the UPS of Kazakhstan. Construction of power grid facilities” and signed a letter of agreement with the Asian Development Bank on the intentions of cooperation in financing this project. The document was signed by Director of the Department for Infrastructure Projects of the Private Sector of the Asian Development Bank Shantanu Chakraborty and Chairman of the Board of KEGOC JSC Kanysh Moldabaev.

The investment project is being implemented as part of the instruction of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, to strengthen the southern zone of the electric power system, develop a scheme for strengthening transit links between the Western regions with subsequent merger with the UPS of Kazakhstan.

- This project involves a large-scale modernization of the National Power Grid, which should be synchronized with the commissioning of new generating capacities, including renewable energy sources, and provide the necessary interregional interstate power flows, - Kanysh Moldabayev said during the signing ceremony of the mandate letter.

The main works on the 1st stage of the project include the construction of new circuits of 500 kV power transmission lines in the directions "Shu - Zhambyl", "Zhambyl - Shymkent", as well as the reconstruction and expansion of three 500 kV class substations "Shymkent", "Zhambyl" and "Shu" .

Financing of the 1st stage of the project is expected in the ratio of 30% own funds and 70% borrowed funds. Implementation period: 2021-2027.

The implementation of the project ensures the fulfillment of the task “Increasing the throughput capacity of the NPG of the Republic of Kazakhstan by building new electricity transmission lines and substations” to achieve one of the three strategic development goals of KEGOC JSC “Ensuring the reliable operation of the UPS of Kazakhstan in the conditions of energy transition”.



KEGOC JSC performs the functions of the System Operator of the Unified Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, owns and manages the assets of the National Electric Grid (NEG). The main activities belong to the sphere of natural monopoly. On the balance sheet of the company there are power lines with a voltage of 220-1150 kV with a length of about 27,000 km and 82 electrical substations with an installed capacity of transformers of 38.99 GVA, which form the NPG. More detailed information about the company is available on its corporate Internet resource: www.kegoc.kz.

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