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KEGOC starts upgrading the automatic data collection and operational control system

18 апреля 2023
Views: 113

KEGOC launched a project to modernize the dispatching hardware and software complex – an automatic data acquisition and operational control system (SCADA/EMS). As part of the project, the existing technological system will be replaced with the domestic FACEPLATE software platform. This is the latest platform developed by domestic specialists. The project is being implemented with KEGOC's own funds and is expected to be completed in 2025.

According to Yeraly Shinasilov, director of the National Dispatch Center of the System Operator branch of KEGOC JSC, the modernization is aimed at improving the efficiency of the dispatch control of the Unified Electricity System of Kazakhstan and the observability of electricity market entities.

- The hardware platform on which SCADA/EMS currently operates at KEGOC has reached its end of life. Therefore, in order to solve long-term tasks and meet the existing needs of the company, including the widespread development of renewable energy generation, the introduction of a balancing market, the introduction of technological systems and elements of "smart" networks, the company is upgrading the SCADA / EMS hardware and software complex, - he noted.



KEGOC JSC performs the functions of the System Operator of the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, owns and manages the assets of the National Electric Grid (NEG). The main activities belong to the sphere of natural monopoly. The company's balance sheet includes power transmission lines with a voltage of 220-1150 kV with a length of about 27,000 km and 82 electrical substations with an installed capacity of transformers of 38.99 GVA, which form the NPG. More detailed information about the company is available on its corporate Internet resource: www.kegoc.kz

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