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Kyrgyzstan and China deepen energy cooperation

22 мая 2023
Views: 148

The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the leading Chinese electrical company TBEA signed an agreement on cooperation in the construction of a high-voltage power transmission line.

The implementation of this project will become especially relevant as part of the planned significant increase in electricity generation through the construction of large hydroelectric power plants, solar and wind power plants in Kyrgyzstan.

The main goal of the agreement is the future construction of a 220-500 kV transmission line from the Kyrgyz Republic to China.

The 220-500 kV line from Kyrgyzstan to China will allow the export of surplus electricity to neighboring countries at a high price.

Recall that in the Kyrgyz Republic, in order to meet the demand for "green" energy, it is planned to build renewable energy facilities. In connection with the increase in the generation of electrical energy, the question arises of creating conditions for the construction of power lines to other countries. Therefore, negotiations are already underway on the implementation of projects for the export of electricity.

The construction of a 220-500 kV overhead line is planned from the Datka substation in the Jalal-Abad region to the Irkeshtam border checkpoint. Options are also being considered for the construction of a line from the Ak-Kiya substation in the Naryn region to the Torugart border.

The Ministry of Energy, taking into account the need to improve energy security and develop energy infrastructure to ensure sustainable economic and social development of the Kyrgyz Republic, meet the needs of subscribers for electricity, and also taking into account that TBEA has financial and technical resources, experience and competencies, signs an agreement on cooperation in implementation of projects on power lines.

It is expected that this project will increase the export potential of Kyrgyzstan and create conditions for the further development of the energy industry.

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