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Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed a protocol on the mutual supply of electricity and an agreement on the preparation of an investment project for the construction of the Kambarata HPP-1

16 марта 2021
Views: 904

The specialized bodies of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed an agreement on joint preparation of the investment project "Construction of the Kambar-Ata HPP-1", the press service of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic reported.

On March 11-12, 20201, Sadyr Japarov made a state visit to Uzbekistan. Following the talks of presidents the press service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced that the parties signed 22 documents on cooperation in the industrial sphere, finance, energy, and the military-technical sphere.

A protocol was also signed on mutual supplies of electricity.

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