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Kyrgyzstan estimates possible energy deficit in 2023 at 1.9 billion kWh

18 января 2023
Views: 471

Kyrgyzstan this year may face a significant shortage of electricity. This was stated by Deputy Head of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic Bakyt Torobaev.

"During the heating period of 2022, electricity consumption in the republic amounted to 15.9 billion kWh, in 2023 it will amount to 16.6 billion kWh. The deficit may be 1.9 billion kWh,” he said on the air of Birinchi Radio. In connection with this, Torobaev continued, the republic signed contracts for the import of 2 billion kWh of electricity from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

As the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers noted, in recent days, due to a sharp cold snap, a record consumption of electricity has been recorded in the republic.

76 million kWh per day. Against this background, the water consumption in the Toktogul reservoir, whose hydroelectric power station generates a significant part of the electricity in the country, has also increased. Kyrgyz power engineers fear that before the next autumn-winter period, it may not be possible to replenish the water reserves in the reservoir.

"Electrical equipment of substations is working with overloads, I urge consumers of electric energy to comply with the consumption regime and rationally use electricity," Torobaev emphasized.

Since January 11, the average daily air temperature has dropped sharply on the territory of Kyrgyzstanю In the capital, the thermometer at night dropped to the mark minus 20 degrees, and in a number of mountainous regions - up to minus 40 degrees. According to weather forecasts, temperatures throughout the country will begin to rise from January 17. Despite the frosts, no serious emergencies have been recorded. 

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