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Kyrgyzstan imported 73.9 million kilowatt-hours of electricity from Russia in May

13 июля 2023
Views: 148

Kyrgyzstan imported 73.9 million kWh of electricity from Russia in May, according to the data of the National Statistical Committee.

The import of Russian electricity in monetary terms was made in the amount of $1.8 million.

Deliveries in April amounted to 67.8 million kWh worth $1.6 million.

The total volume of imports of Russian electricity in 2023, according to the forecast of the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic, will be 500-550 million kWh. In total, the Ministry of Energy plans to import 875 million kWh from Russia for the 2023/24 heating season.

The Russian company Inter RAO began supplying electricity to Kyrgyzstan on April 15. Electricity is supplied in transit through the energy system of Kazakhstan. Russia's share in electricity imports since the beginning of 2023 amounted to 9.3% (141.7 million kWh - approx.)  

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