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Kyrgyzstan increased imports of electricity to 3 billion kWh due to increased supplies from Kazakhstan and Russia

14 декабря 2023
Views: 85

Kyrgyzstan increased imports of electricity to 2.9 billion kWh due to increased supplies from Kazakhstan and Russia, according to data from the National Statistical Committee.

In dollar terms, supplies increased by 20.1% - $80.8 million.

Since the beginning of 2023, Kyrgyzstan has purchased electricity from 3 countries:

- Turkmenistan - 1.6 billion kWh (-21%);

- Kazakhstan - 832.9 million kWh (+44%);

- Russia - 326.5 million kWh (previously, electricity was not supplied from Russia).


Imports of 145.6 million kWh from Uzbekistan through mutual exchange were also noted.

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