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Kyrgyzstan plans to buy 500 million kWh of electricity from Kazakhstan in the first quarter of 2021

03 сентября 2020
Views: 459

Kyrgyzstan has a preliminary agreement with Kazakhstan to purchase 500 million kWh of electricity in the first quarter of 2021, First Deputy Prime Minister Almazbek Baatyrbekov said on the airwaves of “Birinchi Radio”.

According to him, now there is a low water cycle and not enough water  has entered the Toktogul reservoir compared to last year - 14.8 billion cubic meters of water have been accumulated, or 2 billion cubic meters less.

“At the same time, this year the government exchanged electricity with Kazakhstan in the amount of about 300 million kWh. Starting September 15, we begin receiving these 300 million kWh of electricity from Kazakhstan. In addition, due to low water, 500 million kWh. it is planned by the government to purchase it, and if we buy it by the end of the year, we plan that 800 million kWh will be saved in the Toktogul reservoir, ”said the first deputy prime minister.

There is also a preliminary agreement with the Kazakh side on the purchase of 500 million kWh for the 1st quarter of 2021, but the price has not been specified for today.

Kazakhstan says that according to their internal procedures, the price for this year has been specified, and for the next year, it will be specified at the beginning of the year, he added.

“In addition, it is planned to increase the volume of electricity generation at the Bishkek CHP. God willing, there will be no rolling blackouts,”he said.

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