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Kyrgyzstan will begin exporting electricity in 2026 - Prime Minister

18 декабря 2023
Views: 61

Kyrgyzstan will fully cover its own power needs and begin exporting electricity in 2026, Prime Minister of the Republic Akylbek Japarov said on Friday.

“In 2026, we will reach a surplus in the power sector and begin exporting electricity,” the head of the Cabinet said during a speech at the second people’s Kurultai (meeting of elders).

Now, due to a lack of generating capacity, the republic is forced to purchase electricity abroad. In particular, as Energy Minister Taalaibek Ibraev previously stated, this year 3.2 billion kWh of power was imported from Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

According to the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, projects currently being implemented in the power sector will help cope with the power shortage. In particular, the commissioning of dozens of small hydroelectric power plants and solar power plants.

“Preparatory work for Kambarata HPP-1 is being completed: tunnels, roads, lines. Negotiations are underway with the World Bank on the first phase of construction. The design of the Kazarmansky, Kokomerensky, Chatkal cascades and the Kemin-Torugart line with a capacity of 500 kV begins. In 2024, work on the CASA-1000 project in the Kyrgyz part will be completed. In two years, the Kulanak hydroelectric power plant will start operating,” the prime minister said about the largest energy projects.

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