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Minister of Energy of Tajikistan: "Energy supply in winter will be better than last year"

19 июля 2021
Views: 778

The supply of electricity to consumers in the coming autumn-winter period will be better than in the previous season, Tajik Minister of Energy and Water Resources Daler Juma said at a press conference held July 12.

At the same time, he noted that the chance to introduce certain restrictions on electricity consumption in the winter is allowed.

“Due to the reduction in water inflow in the country's rivers over the past two years compared to previous years, the possibility of imposing restrictions on electricity consumption is allowed, but the situation with energy supply will be much better than last winter,” Mr. Juma said.

The minister noted that this year it is planned to increase heating capacities in the capital, which contributes to the release of a certain amount of electricity.

In addition, he said, the modernization of individual units of the Nurek, Kairakkum and Sarband HPPs is nearing completion, which will make it possible to obtain additional capacities in the amount of 345 MW.

Also, according to him, work is underway to reduce the volume of losses, both technical and commercial.

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