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Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: on the criteria for introducing new consumers of electricity

30 марта 2022
Views: 464

As part of the Energy Balance until 2035, the commissioning of new consumers in the Republic of Kazakhstan is planned according to the following criteria:

- according to the issued technical conditions for connection to the grid, which are provided by KEGOC and regional grid companies;

- according to information on planned and ongoing projects in the period from 2021-2035 based on data from the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- according to the owners of enterprises, management companies of special economic zones and akimats.

Also, in addition to the above respondents, information was taken into account about new consumers from NCE (National Chamber of Entrepreneurs) Atameken and large consumers as part of the Comprehensive Plans for the Socio-Economic Development of the Regions and the Territorial Development Programs for 2021-2025.

It will be recalled that on behalf of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the Energy Balance until 2035 was developed, within the framework of which the modeling of the development of the energy complex was carried out with the calculation of the forecast values ​​of production and consumption of electricity, the required volumes and structure of the commissioning of new generating capacities.

To cover the needs of the economy and the population, 17.5 GW of new generation will be required by 2035.

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