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Modernization of the energy complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan to meet the requirements of sustainable economic development

11 марта 2022
Views: 693

During the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Minister of Energy Bolat Akchulakov spoke about the proposals of the ministry to the Program on increase the income of the population, including  the modernization of the energy complex that meets the requirements of sustainable economic development.

As part of the electric power market, the existing power plants will be modernized through the implementation of 13 investment agreements concluded by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is planned to introduce 1600 MW of additional capacities.

By 2025, projects will be implemented for the construction of combined-cycle plants with a load following mode in the southern regions of the country, with a total capacity of about 1,000 MW.

Until 2025, it is planned to commission 2,400 MW of clean energy.

To strengthen the electrical networks of the Western zone of the inegrated power system of Kazakhstan, KEGOC launched a project to build a second 220 kV transit circuit between the West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions.

At the same time, the reconstruction of cable networks in Almaty will be carried out.

The envisaged measures will make it possible to create new generating capacities and reduce wear and tear from 66% to 62.7%, as well as create more than 21,000 jobs (1,008 permanent/20,000 temporary).

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