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Moldova extended a power purchase agreement with Moldavskaya GRES Inter RAO for February

27 января 2023
Views: 285

Chisinau extended for February the contract for the purchase of electricity from the Moldavskaya GRES (MGRES) located in the territory of Transnistria.

“In February, Energocom will purchase about 230 thousand MWh from MGRES after the extension of the signed power purchase agreement. The price remains the same as in the previous two months – $73 per MWh,” Energocom reports on the social network.

The Moldovan company also signed a power purchase agreement for February with Nuclearelectrica from Romania, which provides for the purchase of the 10 MWh range at night and the 30 MWh range during the day. The energy price under this contract is 450 lei/MWh (about $23).

Moldova has a state of emergency, declared, among other things, due to the energy crisis amid problems with a shortage of gas and a sharp rise in the price of energy resources. In December, Chisinau returned to purchasing electricity from the Moldavskaya GRES, owned by the Russian company Inter RAO (located in the unrecognized Transnistria), with which it suspended commercial relations on November 1. Chisinau gives Tiraspol all the gas received from the Russian Federation in exchange for electricity, while it uses the reserves itself. Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu said earlier that the authorities had chosen the most beneficial option for citizens, which had already led to a reduction in electricity tariffs by 23%.

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