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Moldovan government intends to revise agreements with Gazprom and MoldGRES

21 февраля 2023
Views: 241

Moldovan Energy Minister Viktor Parlikov said that the agreements with Gazprom and Moldavskaya GRES should definitely be reviewed.

Moldova is experiencing an energy crisis due to rising energy prices, the gas tariff for consumers has increased seven times over the past year, and four times for electricity since January 2022, and household water tariffs have more than doubled. Against this background, the Cabinet of Ministers introduced an austerity regime, and about 5 billion lei ($261 million) were allocated from the budget to compensate household consumers for gas, electricity and home heating. Against the backdrop of rising tariffs in Moldova, anti-government protests took place.

“The agreements we have with Gazprom and Moldavskaya GRES (owned by the Russian RAO UES - ed.) are concluded for a certain period, but they will definitely need to be reviewed and rethought. However, this issue is not only within the competence of the Ministry of Energy, it is a complex issue, it is necessary to take into account relations with the Transnistrian region. I have certain views and priorities in this area, but I can’t talk about them now,” Parlikov told Publika TV from Chisinau.

He noted that the Ministry of Energy is just being formed, it does not even have its own premises and specialists. “I am the appointed minister. Now we will be engaged in the formation of the team,” the official said.

Parlikov stressed that he plans to attract specialists from abroad to the team, but complained that due to low salaries, few people agree to accept the invitation, even from representatives of the diaspora.

Earlier Thursday, the Moldovan Parliament approved a new government headed by former Security Council Secretary General Dorin Rechan. The new prime minister's program outlines the creation of a ministry of energy. The previous head of government, Natalia Gavrilitsa, announced her resignation on February 10.

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