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More than 200 unscheduled inspections were carried out at power utilities of Kazakhstan

20 октября 2020
Views: 554

The Committee of Atomic and Energy Control and Supervision territorial departments conducted 220 unscheduled inspections in the field of the electric power industry for compliance with regulatory legal acts. Following the results of inspections, 126 recommendations were issued. The execution of the recommendations is under the control of the territorial departments.

The largest number of unscheduled inspections was carried out in the following regions:

- Nur-Sultan city and Karaganda region - 32 inspections;

- Pavlodar region - 29 inspections;

- Kyzylorda region - 24 inspections.

Based on the results of unscheduled inspections, administrative cases were drawn up, the total amount of fines imposed amounted to 26 million 37 thousand tenge, of which 23 million 251 thousand tenge was collected to state budget revenue. The above control measures were carried out based on requests from individuals and legal entities.

Also during the reporting period, 3610 technological violations were registered at the country's energy enterprises. Of which: 3 accidents, 27 failures of the 1st degree and 3580 failures of the 2nd degree.

On appeals to the territorial departments of the Committee, 698 appeals were received, among them 373 appeals were received from individuals, 325 appeals from legal entities. The total number of appeals from individuals and legal entities in comparison with the same period last year decreased by 13.2% (61 applications). 

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