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More than 90% of electric power facilities are ready for winter - RF Ministry of Energy

09 октября 2020
Views: 496

More than 90% of electric power facilities in Russia are ready for the autumn-winter period of 2020-2021 said Deputy Energy Minister of Russia Yevgeny Grabchak at a roundtable in the Federation Council on preparing the power industry for the period of autumn-winter peak loads.

“Preparation of electric power facilities is in the final stage, repair work is underway, additional supply of missing emergency reserves is carried out, investment programs are being completed. Today, about 1,000 electric power facilities in the monitoring loop of the Ministry of Energy, 92% are ready for the heating season. All large backbone companies confirm their readiness; there are some problems with the remaining facilities. We hope that by November 5, when the results of readiness are summed up, we will ensure the readiness to the maximum, including these LGCs (local grid companies)”, he said, reports TASS.

Mr. Grabchak clarified that special attention is paid to enhancing the system reliability of power systems in regions with high risks of power supply disruption.

“Today it is Dagestan and Irkutsk power system, power systems of Crimea, of the Kaliningrad region and of the Far East,” he said.

Also, the Ministry of Energy clarified that the implementation of the repair plan for electric power facilities at the moment is 95%.

“There have been cases of postponement of repairs due to pandemic restrictions. Deviations in repair programs due to COVID-19 do not exceed in general 4% from the repair program and are mainly associated with generation facilities. We do not predict the risks of reducing the reliability of power supply due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions, ”said Grabchak.

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