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National and interstate committees for standardization in the electric power industry plan to develop and update more than 100 standards

29 июня 2023
Views: 239

The System Operator hosted an annual joint meeting of the technical committee for standardization TK 016 "Electric Power Industry" of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) and the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTC 541, created on its basis for cooperation within the CIS.

The meeting was opened by Sergey Pavlushko, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of SO UPS JSC, Chairman of TC 016 and MTC 541. The event was attended by representatives of ITC 541 member states, member organizations and observers in TC 016.

The participants considered the results of the work of the interstate and national technical committees for standardization for 2022 and the first half of 2023, current areas of work and the practice of applying TC 016/MTC 54 standards, and issues of updating existing standards. Members of the technical committees discussed proposals for the Interstate Standardization Program until 2025 and for the long term, the National Standardization Program for 2024, the prospective Work Program of TC 016 for 2025–2029. During the meeting, applications for membership of organizations in TC 016 and a number of organizational issues were also considered.

Summing up the work of the technical committee, Sergey Pavlushko noted that TC 016 developed 35 standardization documents in 2022 and 9 this year. Among the active participants in the work on standardization, NPO EKRA LLC and Firma ORGRES LLC, as well as Hevel Group, which, together with the System Operator, launches and fills a series of standards for RES generation, are separately noted.

“The system operator has extensive experience in integrating renewable energy sources into a large power system. The development of a series of standards in the field of renewable energy is a logical continuation of what we promised at domestic and Asian platforms for professional communication. The development of each standard of the series is the result of our long-term collaboration with equipment manufacturers and operators, which includes, among other things, conducting a large amount of full-scale experiments to study the possibilities and features of the operation of renewable energy sources as part of the power system,” Sergey Pavlushko noted.

Sergey Pavlushko also noted the important role of the Russian Ministry of Energy in the preparation of standards and the active position of the sectoral department in the work aimed at the mandatory application of standards in the electric power industry.

“After the release of the relevant changes in Russian legislation, it became possible to bring the standards, which are essentially documents of voluntary application, to mandatory application in the electric power industry by creating reference norms from regulatory legal acts. To date, about 30 reference norms have been created from the orders of the Russian Ministry of Energy. They concern a large pool of relay protection standards. Due to the dynamism of the principles of building relay protection, standardization in this area with its mandatory application is of great importance for ensuring the reliability of the UES,” Sergey Pavlushko emphasized.

A detailed report on the results of the activities of the TC/MTC "Electric Power Industry" for 2022 and the first half of 2023 was presented by the Executive Secretary of TC 016, Head of the Standardization Department of the Department of Parallel Operation and Standardization of SO UPS JSC, Yuri Fedorov. He noted that during this period, in the field of interstate standardization, updated editions of three standards were adopted, work continues to update five more interstate standards in cooperation with related technical committees, as well as work within the MTK 541 program on three projects of the Russian Federation and 12 projects of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including 9 RES projects.

“46 absentee voting on draft standards was held, an examination of a number of draft standards of related technical committees was also organized, topical issues of standardization were considered at the scientific and technical council,” said Yuri Fedorov.

Dmitry Afanasiev, Deputy Head of the UPS Development Directorate of SO UPS JSC, Head of Subcommittee SC 1 "Electric Power Systems" presented a report on the current areas of work of ITC 541 / TC 016. He noted that the countries participating in the ITC are facing similar challenges and tasks for harmonization technical requirements and unification of processes in the electric power industry.

“The system operator considers participation in the ITC an important area of its work. Our countries have different degrees of improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of electric power industry, and the activities of MTC 541 contribute to the harmonization of industry technical requirements and ensure the translation of best practices, accumulated experience and technologies for describing power system management processes,” Dmitry Afanasiev emphasized.

As topical areas of work of the ITC 541 "Electric Power Industry", he singled out: enhancing the participation of members of the ITC at the stages of standards development and joining the standards, updating outdated standards, including in the tasks of technical regulation, harmonization with international (ISO, IEC) and regional standards with taking into account the interests of the IGU members, maintaining constant contact with the authorized representatives of the ITC 541 members, implementing the provisions of the Agreement on Interaction between the EPC of the CIS and the ISC of the CIS.

During the meeting, Yuri Fedorov presented the proposals of the members of the ITC 541 in the Program of Interstate Standardization until 2025 and in the long term. It is proposed to include in the documents the development and updating of 58 interstate standards.

Proposals to the National Standardization Program for 2024, the Prospective Work Program of TC 016 for 2025–2029 were made by the heads of subcommittees and joint working groups. It is proposed to introduce the development and updating of 17 GOST R into the National Standardization Program for 2024, and 54 standards into the Prospective Work Program of TC 016 for 2025–2029. The proposals, in particular, are aimed at further development of standardization in the field of remote control, relay protection and automation, automatic emergency control of power system modes, collection and transmission of telemetry information, application of an information model of the electric power industry, operation of transformer and electric grid equipment, operation of equipment for thermal and hydroelectric stations, and also distributed and renewable energy generation.

In total, nine topical issues of the activities of TC 016/MTC 541 "Electric power industry" were considered at the meeting. Based on its results, decisions were made aimed at further development of national and interstate standardization in the field of electric power industry.

Information about TC 016/MTC 541 "Power industry"

The Power Engineering Technical Committee (TC 016) of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) was formed in September 2014 by reorganizing a number of technical committees for standardization in the power industry. The basic organization of the committee, which also performs the functions of the secretariat of TC 016, is SO UPS JSC.

The area of activity of TC 016 is standardization in the electric power industry in the field of electric power systems and power facilities, including electric thermal, hydraulic and pumped storage power plants, transmission and distribution electric networks, as well as standardization of system requirements for equipment of electric power stations and networks, including power electronics systems. Work in TC 016 is carried out within the framework of seven subcommittees: PK-1 "Electric power systems", PK-2 "Electric networks (trunk and distribution)", PK-3 "Thermal power plants", PK-4 "Hydroelectric power plants", PK-5 "Distributed generation (including RES)", PC-6 "Power electronics in the power industry", PC-7 "Smart technologies in the power industry".

MTC 541 "Power Industry" was formed on the basis of the Russian technical committee for standardization TC 016 "Power Industry" for cooperation within the CIS according to the interstate standard.

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