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National standards in the field of intelligent control systems for power grid facilities of the Russian Federation were approved

07 февраля 2023
Views: 393

Standards GOST R 70450-2022 and GOST R 70451-2022 establish criteria for classifying control systems as intelligent. The documents were developed by the Rosseti Group on the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Energy, taking into account the company's experience in designing, commissioning and operating substation control systems and process control systems.

For the first time, requirements for grid control centers (GCCs) were defined, which, among other things, oblige to build and organize the work of the GCCs using a digital network information model that meets the current standards in the field of automated information exchange in the electric power industry.

Norms have also been established for the set of functions and structure of software and hardware systems, types of software and properties of automated process control systems implemented during the construction and reconstruction of 6-750 kV substations.

The Rosseti Group is systematically working to update the requirements and regulations governing the activities of the electric grid complex. In particular, last year a new national standard was approved with updated requirements for the design and construction of low voltage power lines. The "Rules for Electrical Installations" are being revised and a number of national standards are being approved on their basis.

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