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New plans for electric power industry of Turkmenistan aim at its breakthrough growth

11 февраля 2021
Views: 2069

The electricity industry in Turkmenistan has tremendous potential for growth. Despite the fact that in 2020 the production capacity of the industry was used even less than half, the Ministry of Energy achieved a significant increase in important economic indicators.

Last week, President Berdymukhamedov formulated tasks for the year ahead of the construction and industrial complex at a sectoral meeting. One of these goals is to increase production capacity at enterprises in the electric power industry.

The head of state instructed to study the state of existing facilities and modernize them, and if necessary, reconstruct them. To solve this issue on a systematic basis, the Turkmen leader instructed the leadership of the industry, bypassing intermediaries, to establish cooperation with foreign equipment manufacturers. This will reduce the cost of purchasing the necessary equipment and allow more efficient maintenance of infrastructure facilities.

The growth in electricity production at the enterprises of the Ministry of Energy in the past year amounted to 20.2% compared to 2019. As ORIENT agency was informed by the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Statistics, in January-November 2020, the country increased its electricity exports by 2.8 times compared to the same period last year.

The Ministry of Energy also achieved a 2-fold overfulfillment of the annual state plan. The department's industrial production plan was fulfilled by 128.3%.

While maintaining excellent statistical indicators, the Ministry of Energy is working on the implementation of important investment projects. These are the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP) power transmission line, the ring power system of the country Akhal-Balkan and Balkan-Dashoguz, as well as a gas turbine power plant in the Chardzhevsky district of the Lebap region with a capacity of 432 MW.

Having achieved significant growth in key economic and production indicators with the use of only half of the production capacity, the Ministry of Energy proved that the industry has enormous potential. The realization of this potential will be facilitated by the above-mentioned long-term plans and goals of the government, which promise a breakthrough growth in the development of the Turkmen electric power industry.

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