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New regulations for interaction between the System Operator and Rostechnadzor strengthen state control in the Russian electric power industry

28 сентября 2023
Views: 118

The system operator and the Federal Service for Technological, Environmental and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) approved the Information Interaction Regulations, developed in accordance with a bilateral agreement adopted in October 2022.

The document was developed in order to improve the process of exchange of regular information between Rostechnadzor and SO UES JSC on issues of increasing the reliability of the Unified Energy System and reducing accident rates in the electric power industry.

“The introduction of the new regulations is aimed at strengthening state control in the electric power industry through the use of uniform principles and approaches when organizing interaction between the dispatch centers of the System Operator and the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor,” noted Pavel Alekseev, member of the Board of the System Operator, Director of Technical Controlling of SO UPS JSC.

The Regulations determine the procedure for the exchange of operational information about accidents, interaction on the organization and conduct of investigations into the causes of accidents in the electric power industry, the development and implementation of emergency measures, as well as the procedure for the exchange of analytical information about the causes of accidents at power facilities.

The regulations define the criteria for operational information about accidents and other emergency situations in the electric power industry, which dispatch centers send to the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor to organize an investigation of their causes, the timing of information transfer, as well as the specifics of applying the regulations on the territory of new constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The document establishes the amount of information provided to the Rostechnadzor commission to investigate the causes of accidents, about the state and operating mode of electric power facilities during the development and during the liquidation of an accident, the actions of personnel, and the results of analysis of the operation of devices.

The document provides for interaction between the System Operator and Rostekhnadzor in assessing the risks of reducing the reliability of the operation of the power system arising as a result of untimely implementation of emergency measures developed based on the results of the investigation of the causes of accidents, related to the organization and implementation of operational and technological management, relay protection and automation, interaction with dispatch centers in the process of operational - dispatch control in the electric power industry, increasing the reliability of the functioning of electric power facilities as part of the power system.

The regulations also define the procedure for providing analytical information on the causes of accidents at power plants and in the electrical networks of power systems.

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