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Nikolai Shulginov and Viktor Karankevich discussed the parallel operation of the energy systems of Russia and the Republic of Belarus, the formation of a united gas market and fixed the conditions for its supply until 2026

01 марта 2023
Views: 436

Nikolai Shulginov and Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Karankevich at a working meeting discussed the development of bilateral cooperation in the fuel and energy complex.

The parties discussed the parallel operation of the energy systems of Russia and Belarus. Currently, interagency negotiations are underway to agree on a draft protocol on some measures to ensure their parallel operation.

The Ministers paid special attention to the implementation of the program for the formation of a common gas market of the Union State.

“Cooperation between Russia and Belarus invariably bears the character of a strategic partnership and has many years of constructive interaction. We maintain constant contact with the Belarusian side at various levels. We are working together to level the Western sanctions against Belarusian enterprises, including those in the energy sector,” the head of the Russian energy department said.

During the meeting, a protocol was also signed that regulates the procedure for setting prices for the supply of gas to Belarus and its transportation through the country in the period from August 1, 2022 to December 31, 2025 inclusive.

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