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Nikolai Shulginov reported to Vladimir Putin on the results of the Russian fuel and energy complex operation for the first half of the year and preparations for the autumn-winter period

22 июля 2022
Views: 422

The fuel and energy sectors of the Russian Federation, taking into account adaptation to new challenges, showed good results in the first half of 2022, Nikolai Shulginov said at a meeting with Vladimir Putin.

“Oil production for six months exceeds last year's level by 3.4%, electricity production - by 1.9%, which means that electricity consumption is also approximately the same amount higher. Coal production is about the same as last year. The production of gasoline and diesel fuel is even 4.5% higher than last year. For gas, for well-known reasons, it is minus 5% so far,” the Minister said.

According to him, the domestic energy market is stable. Consumers are provided with all types of energy resources in full.

Speaking about preparations for the autumn-winter period, the head of the Ministry of Energy noted that power engineers had begun this work several months ago.

“Schedules have been formed based on the analysis of the past open-ended period and the instructions that you gave when assessing the readiness for the OWP in December last year. This is a serious document with instructions, because it also included work on the consolidation of TSOs, ownerless networks, improving the reliability of heat supply and financing programs related to improving the reliability of the distribution grid complex,” the Minister said.

Nikolai Shulginov stressed that there are no problems with the accumulation of reserve, main and emergency fuels. “We won't have problems pumping gas into underground storage facilities. Today, the download rate is 81% of the target level, which we must achieve in November,” he added.

Particular attention is paid to the operation of imported gas turbine units. “We have a total of 22 GW. But we must understand that we have an excess of the actual reserve over the normative in the unified power system is 35-40 GW. But still, we have developed an algorithm for managing the resource of such installations. And there is even one of the options - moving installations from power centers, where today you can do without them, to those nodes where it is needed," Nikolai Shulginov reported.

He noted that the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Industry and Trade are working on the implementation of the industry order for spare parts, equipment, as well as on the organization of the service. “In terms of service: we have those companies that today manufacture innovative gas turbines, they will also organize the service. But there are other companies that also seek to organize the service, including a hot part, so I don’t see any risks yet,” the head of the energy ministry explained.

The Minister also raised the issue of energy facilities affected by fires and floods. “Today, about 700 more supports are flooded, but we have a monsoon flood ahead in the Far East, there will still be flooding. And our task is to check their condition by winter,” he said.

According to the head of the Ministry of Energy, the gas supply and electricity supply of the Crimea and the Kaliningrad region are under special control, in addition, there are serious tasks to prepare the DPR, LPR, being liberated and liberated territories for winter.

The video can be viewed at the link.

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