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Nikolay Shulginov: “The SCO states must jointly promote their vision of the energy future”

05 октября 2023
Views: 105

Russia supports the development of the Strategy for the Development of Energy Cooperation among the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) until 2030. Nikolai Shulginov stated this at the SCO Energy Forum.

The document, he is sure, will strengthen the basis for establishing dialogue between the SCO states.

According to the head of the Russian Ministry of Energy, the SCO countries have significant reserves of energy resources: oil, natural gas, coal, and are also the world's largest consumers of energy and energy resources; promising joint projects are already being implemented.

“China and India are Russia’s strategic partners in terms of building a new, fair energy market and trade infrastructure. Joint investment projects are being implemented in the territories of both countries. Plans are being worked out or already exist to expand pipeline capacity for the delivery of oil and gas from Russia to China,” said Nikolai Shulginov.

In the oil and gas sector, the Minister said, large infrastructure projects are being implemented with Kazakh and Uzbek partners. “We look forward to the official launch of the Russia-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan gas supply project. This is a great success,” he said.

Speaking about the interaction between Russia and Iran, the head of the Ministry of Energy recalled: the countries signed a roadmap for scientific and technical cooperation in the oil and gas industries, providing for the implementation of 21 projects. The development of five oil fields in Iran by Russian companies continues successfully.

The minister noted that the SCO countries intend to develop carbon-free hydropower. We are talking about the implementation of the Sangtuda HPP-1 project in Tajikistan, the construction of the Mullalak HPP in Uzbekistan and the Kambarata HPP-1 in Kyrgyzstan.

Considering the trend on the climate agenda, Nikolay Shulginov named the development of the gas motor fuel (GMF) segment among promising projects. In particular, the creation of gas transport infrastructure on the territory of the SCO states.

“In addition,” he said, “the SCO states are taking steps to develop renewable energy sources and nuclear energy.”

“Even today Russia has important competitive advantages in many areas,” said Nikolai Shulginov. “We have a good foundation in the hydrogen sphere. There is room for trade and joint technology development.” In addition, the Minister noted, the President of Russia has set the task of increasing LNG exports to 100 million tons by 2030.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Energy also pointed to the huge potential for expanding cooperation in the electricity sector. “We have found an understanding that Russia should become a full member of the Electric Power Coordination Council of Central Asia. This is important, including for the implementation of the tasks set for the successful completion of the autumn-winter period,” he added.

In addition, Nikolai Shulginov noted that in close partnership in the field of fuel and energy complex, the SCO countries have already formed a complex of the largest energy projects in Eurasia, including projects for the modernization and construction of interconnected energy, transport and logistics infrastructure on the continent.

The Minister emphasized: in the new geopolitical conditions, interaction between the SCO countries in the field of fuel and energy complex, and first of all, the development of new promising joint projects, financial and supporting infrastructure is of the greatest interest and high importance for all SCO member countries.

 “The SCO states must work together to strengthen comprehensive cooperation and promote their vision of the energy future, aimed at creating a more equal, balanced and sustainable model of global economic development,” concluded Nikolai Shulginov.

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