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On December 10, 2020, an online meeting of the CIS national energy systems experts responsible for the preparation of the International Competitions of Professional Skills of Power Industry Personnel of the CIS Member States, was held in Moscow

12 декабря 2020
Views: 696

On December 10, 2020, Moscow hosted an online meeting of the CIS national energy systems experts responsible for the preparation of the International Competitions of Professional Skills of Power Industry Personnel of the CIS Member States. At the meeting   it was decided to hold the XVII International Competition of Professional Skills of Power Industry Personnel of the CIS Member States in September 2021 – “International competition of teams for the maintenance and repair of relay protection and automation equipment" at the training site of PJSC" Rosseti", St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The Program of preparation for the competition was agreed, and a number of organizational issues related to the preparation and holding competitions were solved.

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