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On June 30, 2021, the 58th session of the CIS Electric Power Council was held.

02 июля 2021
Views: 1359

On June 30, 2021, the 58th extraordinary session of the CIS Electric Power Council was held in the format of a video conference.

The meeting was attended by the heads of ministries concerned and national electric power companies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS EPC and a representative of the Executive Committee of the CIS .

The meeting discussed the issue “On the election of the President and Vice-President of the CIS Electric Power Council ”.

Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Nikolai Shulginov was elected President of the CIS Electric Power Council.

Minister of Energy of Turkmenistan Charymyrat Purchekov was elected Vice-President of the CIS Electric Power Council.

At the suggestion of the Ministry of the Russian Federation, the CIS EPC members discussed the issue of strengthening the role of the Coordination Council for the implementation of the Strategy for interaction and cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of electricity and approved the Regulation on the Coordination Council under the CIS Electric Power Council. In accordance with the Regulation, the functions and tasks of the Coordination Council, as well as the rights granted to it, have been expanded. The regulation also envisages strengthening the role of the Coordination Council by including in its composition the deputy heads of the relevant ministries of the CIS member states.

Pavel Snikkars, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, was appointed the Chairman of the Coordination Council of the CIS EPC for 2021-2022.

By the decision of the CIS EPC, Fedor Opadchiy, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC “System Operator of the Unified Power System” ,Russian Federation, was appointed Chairman of the Commission for Operational and Technological Coordination of Joint Work of the Energy Systems of the CIS and Baltic Countries (COTC) for 2021 - 2022.

At the meeting, the CIS EPC approved Amendments and additions to the Regulations of the CIS Electric Power Council and the updated Action Plan  of the CIS Electric Power Council for 2021.

Also, information was heard on the results of the functioning of the electric power industry of the CIS member states in the autumn-winter period of 2020-2021 and on the Report of the CIS Electric Power Council for 2020.

EES CIS instructed the Executive Committee to organize membership in the international non-profit association "World Network for Renewable Energy Policy of the 21st Century" ("REN 21").

For their significant contribution to the development of integration processes in the energy sector of the Commonwealth member states, 130 specialists were awarded the honorary title "Honored Power Engineer of the CIS" and 120 specialists were awarded the Certificate of Honor of the CIS Electric Power Council.

The meeting decided to hold the next 59th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council, dedicated to the global climate agenda, climate policy pursued in the CIS member states and the formation of an agreed position in this area within the Commonwealth.

The Executive Committee of the CIS EPS was instructed to agree with the CIS member states on the date and place of the next 59th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council until August 1, 2021.

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