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On May 15, 2020, the 3rd online meeting of the Working Group on Ecology, Energy Efficiency and RES was held.

22 мая 2020
Views: 575

On May 15, 2020, the 3rd online meeting of the Working Group on Ecology, Energy Efficiency and RES was held. It was attended by representatives of relevant ministries, electricity companies and organizations of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the CIS Interstate Ecological Council, EEC EAEU, National Union of Energy Saving of the Russian Federation and employees of the Executive Committee of the CIS EPC.

Based on the results of the consideration of the items of the Agenda of the 3rd online meeting, the following decisions were made on the following items:

About the draft Information on the implementation of the CIS member states Concept of cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources use and the Plan of priority measures for its implementation for 2019.

  • Agree with the proposals of the CIS EPC Executive Committee on updating the Plan of Priority Actions for the implementation of the concept of cooperation of the CIS Member States in the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Request the CIS EPC Executive Committee to forward these proposals to the CIS Executive Committee.
  • The Executive Committee to continue the preparation of a Progress Report on the implementation of the CIS Member States Concept of Cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources use and a Plan of Priority Actions for its implementation for 2019-2020
  • Consider it appropriate to establish the intervals of reviewing the Information biennially, to coincide with its development the preparation of the next biennial Consolidated Report on key issues of ecology, energy efficiency and RES in the electric power industry of the CIS member states.

On the draft Memorandum of Understanding between the CIS Electric Energy Council and the International Renewable Energy Agency.

  • The CIS EPC Executive Committee will continue to agree the draft Memorandum of Understanding between the CIS Electric Power  Council and the International Renewable Energy Agency with the relevant ministries of the CIS member states,in the wording of  IRENA secretariat, submitted in a letter dated 02.27.2020 and based on a compromise version of the CIS EPC Executive Committee.
  • Consider the draft Memorandum of Understanding between the CIS Electric Energy Council and the International Renewable Energy Agency approval results at the next meeting of the Working Group with the aim of subsequently submitting it to the face-to-face  57th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council.

On the updated version of the Analytical Review on the participation of the CIS member states in the Paris Climate Agreement, adopted under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

  • To approve, taking into account the discussion, the draft updated version of the Analytical Review on the participation of the CIS member states in the Paris Climate Agreement, adopted under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Appendix 3).
  • Head of the working group on the ecology, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources and the Executive Committee of CIS EPC project to complement the updated version of the analytical review with information provided by the relevant ministries and energy companies of the CIS countries after the meeting of the Working Group..
  • The CIS Executive Committee to submit a draft updated version of the Analytical Review for consideration to the 56th virtual meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council.

On the development of a draft Consolidated Report on key issues of ecology, energy efficiency and renewable energy in the electric power industry of the CIS member states for 2019-2020 and making suggestions for its additional content.

  • The CIS Executive Committee to request from the relevant ministries and electric companies of the CIS member states information and suggestions for additional content for the draft Consolidated Report.

On the draft anniversary Consolidated Report on key issues of ecology, energy efficiency and renewable energy in the power industry of the CIS member states, dedicated to the centenary of the GOELRO Plan.

  • Request the Executive Committee of the CIS EPC to send letters to the relevant ministries and national electricity companies with request to submit proposals and materials for the draft anniversary Consolidated Report preparation according to the attached list.
  • Request the Executive Committee of the CIS EES to prepare by July 1, 2020, the draft anniversary Consolidated Report on key issues of ecology, energy efficiency and renewable energy in the electric power industry of the CIS member states dedicated to the centenary of the GOELRO Plan, based on the structure of the draft document proposed by the Head of the Working Group.
  • Send the draft anniversary Consolidated Report to the relevant ministries and electric companies of the CIS member states, as well as to the members of the Working Group with request to provide relevant information to prepare the Report.
  • Consider the draft anniversary Consolidated Report at the next meeting of the Working Group.

On the draft Joint Action Plan of the CIS Electric Power Council and the Interstate Environmental Council of the CIS Member States for the period up to 2023.

  • To approve, taking into account the discussion, the draft Joint Action Plan of the CIS Electric Power Council and the Interstate Environmental Council of the CIS Member States for the period up to 2023 (Appendix 4).
  • The Executive Committee of the CIS EPC to coordinate the draft Plan with the secretariat of the Interstate Environmental Council of the CIS Member States.
  • Upon agreement, the Executive Committee of the CIS EPC shall submit a draft Joint Action Plan of the CIS Electric Power Council and the Interstate Environmental Council of the CIS Member States for the period until 2023 for consideration by the CIS Electric Power Council.

The next meeting is planned in Moscow in August-September 2020.

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