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On May 27, 2020, in Moscow, the 31st meeting of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the “Strategy for Interaction and Cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of electricity” and the 35th meeting of the Working Group "Formation of

29 мая 2020
Views: 662

On May 27, 2020, in Moscow, the 31st meeting of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the “Strategy for Interaction and Cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of electricity” and the 35th meeting of the Working Group "Formation of the Common Electricity Market of the CIS member states" were held via video conference.

The meetings were attended by members of the Coordination Council and the Working Group - representatives of the power sector management bodies, power organizations and companies of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, employees of the EEC Energy Department and the CIS EPC Executive Committee.

The meeting of the Coordination Council was opened by the Chairman of the CIS EPC Executive Committee I.A. Kuzko.

The meeting was chaired by A.A. Chekalov, Chairman of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the Strategy for Interaction and Cooperation of the CIS member states in in the field of electricity, head of the Commercial Dispatch Department of the Trading Block of PJSC Inter RAO.

The meeting participants approved the Agenda of the Coordinating Council meeting and based on the results of the consideration of the main issues came to the following decisions:

- Take into account the information of the CIS EPC Executive Committee on the development of the draft Strategy for cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of electricity for the period up to 2030 (Strategy 2030), instruct the CIS EPC Executive Committee to finalize the draft Strategy 2030 taking into account the comments and suggestions from relevant ministries and power companies of the CIS member states, and also taking into account the discussion, to consider the finalized draft Strategy 2030 at the next meeting of the Coordination Council, together with the draft Action Plan for its implementation;

- Take into account the information of the CIS EPC Executive Committee on the development of the draft Review “Strategic planning in the power industry of the CIS member states”, the CIS EPC Executive Committee to amend the draft Review taking into account the discussion, as well as the proposal of the Republic of Tajikistan to consider methodological approaches to consumption projections, request the members of the Coordinating Council from the Republic of Armenia, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan to verify the correctness of the information posted, supplement the draft Review with missing data and send the information to the CIS EPC Executive Committee until June 30, 2020, the CIS EPC Executive Committee to prepare the “Conclusion” section after finalizing the draft Review, the CIS EPC Executive Committee to add the draft Review to the agenda of the next meeting of the Coordination Council;

- Take into account the presentation of the CIS EPC Executive Committee “Proposals for optimizing the Additions to the Formation Procedure of the  Forecast Data on the Balances of Electricity and Capacity in the Power Systems of the CIS member states”, the CIS EPC Executive Committee to prepare, by July 15, 2020, a new edition of the Formation Procedure of the  Forecast Data on the Balances of Electricity and Capacity in the Power Systems of the CIS Member States and to send it to the CIS member states, to consider a new revision of the Formation Procedure of the  Forecast Data on the Balances of Electricity and Capacity in the Power Systems of the CIS member states at the next meeting of the Coordination Council;

- Approve, taking into account the discussion, the draft work plan of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the Strategy for interaction and cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of electricity for 2020-2023, introduce the draft Working Plan of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the Strategy for interaction and cooperation of the CIS countries in the field of electricity for 2020-2023 for consideration of the next 56th absentee meeting of the CIS EPC;

- Hold the next meeting of the Coordinating Council in September 2020 in Moscow.


The meeting of the Working Group “Formation of the Common Electriciry Market of the CIS Member States” was opened by I.A. Kuzko.

The meeting was chaired by N.V. Zaikina, Head of the Working Group, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association NP Market Council.

The meeting participants approved the Working Group meeting Agenda and, based on the results of the main issues consideration, made the following decisions:

- Continue work on the draft Procedure for the settlement of deviations of interstate flows of electricity from the agreed values, taking into account the comments and suggestions received, and also taking into account the discussion that took place and consider it at the next meeting of the Working Group, the Executive Committee to request the CIS member states that have not submitted proposals for the submitted draft for the meeting of the Working Group, submit their position on the draft Procedure for the settlement of deviations of interstate flows of electricity from agreed values;

- hold the next meeting of the Working Group in September 

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