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On November 27, an open reporting meeting of the Working Group on Low-Carbon Development of the Electric Power Industry of the CIS EPC took place

30 ноября 2023
Views: 172

The meeting of the Working Group on Low-Carbon Development of the Electric Power Industry (WG LCD) of the CIS Electric Power Council, held on November 27 in an open mode for members of the Working Structures of the CIS EPC, became part of the Final Conference of the Working Structures of the CIS EPC for 2023.

Representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the meeting.

The Head of the Department of Access to Foreign Markets and Settlement of Trade Disputes of the Department of Trade Policy of the Eurasian Economic Commission Ilya Kaminsky, Director of the Association for the Development of Renewable Energy Alexey Zhikharev and Head of the General Energy Department of RUE "BelTEI" Andrey Molochko addressed the meeting's participants with a welcoming speech. The speakers expressed their readiness to interact, spoke about activities at the level of states and organizations in the field of low-carbon development, and invited meeting participants to specialized events in 2024, in particular, to the International Climate Competition “Green Eurasia”.

The information message “Experience in implementing low-carbon projects of PJSC RusHydro” and a proposal to hold a seminar (strategic session) in the 2nd quarter of 2024 on practical issues of using carbon units in the CIS member states was made by the Head of the Department of Production Engineering and Sustainable Development of PJSC RusHydro. Alexander Kraevoy.

Deputy Head of the Directorate for Development of the UES of SO UPS JSC Dmitry Afanasyev spoke about the results of the work of the Commission on operational and technological coordination of the joint work of power systems of the CIS and Baltic countries, in particular, on the approval of the Basic technical requirements for generation facilities operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources, operating as part of power systems (in terms of solar and wind generation).

Tatyana Polyanichkina, Director for Low-Carbon Development of the Executive Committee of the CIS EPS (EC EPC CIS), spoke about the results of the Working Group “Formation of a common electric power market of the CIS member states”, in particular, about the draft report “Analysis of market mechanisms for the development of renewable energy sources in the CIS member states”.

The Advisor to the Department of Economic Cooperation took part in the report on the progress of the development of the Concept of cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of energy until 2035. Executive Committee of the CIS Valevich Elena..

Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS EPS Nina Petrova spoke about the plans of events of the CIS Electric Power Council and the EC EPC CIS in 2024, including within the framework of the Plan for the implementation of the Concept of the Chairmanship of the Russian Federation in the CIS in 2024.

Following the meeting, members of the Working Group on Low-Carbon Development of the CIS Electric Power Industry approved a list of activities for 2024.

In particular, it includes:

1) continuation of work on harmonizing the regulation of low-carbon development of the electric power industry of the CIS member states and the formation of a joint system of low-carbon regulation in accordance with the draft Roadmap and Fundamental Principles approved at the meeting;

2) collecting information (conducting a survey) on current aspects of the operation of RES facilities, plans for the introduction of new generating equipment based on RES and new regulatory measures;

3) development of joint reports with ESCAP and UNECE on the issues of connectivity of power systems and the development of low-carbon technologies in the coal industry;

4) holding thematic seminars and strategic sessions.


The working group approved and recommended that the EC EPC CIS submit for consideration of the Coordination Council of the CIS EPC the draft Report “International experience in carbon regulation: opportunities for coordinating low-carbon development within the framework of Eurasian integration”, the draft Roadmap for joint activities to harmonize instruments for regulating low-carbon development of the CIS member states, as well as the draft Fundamental Harmonized Principles of Low-Carbon Regulation, in accordance with which it is proposed to organize work on the implementation of the Roadmap activities, in which representatives of 14 organizations from 6 CIS countries took part in the work on which for more than 6 months.

The summary information and recommendations prepared by the Association “NP Market Council” based on the results of a survey (5 countries took part) on the practical approaches of the CIS member states to the circulation of certificates of origin of electrical energy and the determination of indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with production of electricity.


The following draft documents developed by the EC EPC CIS in accordance with the WG LCD Activity Plan for 2023-2025 were accepted for further joint revision:

1) Draft Report “Main goals, objectives, approaches and mechanisms of interaction in the field of ecology, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and climate” (review of the regulatory framework);

2) The draft “Information and analytical report on current issues of cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of renewable energy” (aspects and mechanisms of interaction);

3) Brief summary information “On professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the renewable energy sectors of the CIS member states.”


We take this opportunity to thank all the meeting participants for their support and active interaction in the preparation and coordination of the meet

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