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On November 30, 2021, the annual International Forum "Electric Networks" was held in the format of an online conference in Moscow

02 декабря 2021
Views: 371

For the development of the power industry the meeting of professionals from the power grid complex from different countries of the world at the Forum site is of great importance.

The planned business program of MFES 2021 consisted of the following plenary sessions:

• Changing the model of relationships between suppliers and consumers in modern conditions, the transition to remote services.

• Russian power industry - how to attract investment in the era of decarbonization?

• Personnel for Industry 4.0 - new competencies and forms of employment.

• Intelligent electricity metering systems, prospects for the development of the Russian component base.

• Microgeneration within networks - how to protect yourself or use it for your own benefit.

• Birds are the cause of power line failures.

The main topic of the meeting was energy industry, which is in the process of global transformation. During the discussion, disputes about the role of hydrocarbons in the energy balance of the future did not subside, but most of the participants in the meeting agreed that it was low-carbon sources that would play a predominant role: renewable energy sources, nuclear energy, hydrogen energy. A trend has been outlined for the electrification of industrial production, transport and, at the same time, the task has been set to improve the people life quality, to eliminate "energy poverty" with the obligatory preservation of the level of reliability of energy supply. The goal to increase energy efficiency has become the basis for the low-carbon development of various countries economies. The global transformation of the energy sector is accompanied by the processes of digitalization, the introduction of energy storage devices, and decentralization.

However, during the meeting it was noted that the processes of energy transformation are not homogeneous and have their own characteristics in different countries of the world, while the global course forms new requirements for the energy of tomorrow, including for the power grid complex of countries.

In full face-to-face format, the International Forum "Electric Networks" will be held in March 2022 on the territory of VDNKh, including an expanded business program, the "Digital Breakthrough" competition and an exhibition space.

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