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On September 03, 2020, the 28th meeting of the Working Group on Metrological Support of the CIS Electric Power Industry was held

14 сентября 2020
Views: 628

On September 03, 2020, the 28th meeting of the Working Group on Metrological Support of the CIS Electric Power Industry (WGM) was held in the video conference format.

 Representatives of relevant ministries, national power companies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, FGPU “VNIIM» and the staff  of the Executive Committee of the EPC CIS.

The meeting of the Working Group on Metrological Support of the CIS Electric Power Industry was opened by Igor Kuzko, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the CIS EPC.

Oleg Bolshakov, Head of the Working Group on Metrological Support of the CIS Electric Power Industry, chaired the meeting.

The meeting participants approved the Agenda of the Working Group meeting.

Based on the results of consideration of the main items on the Agenda, the participants of the Working Group meeting made the following decisions:

- To take into consideration the information of the Head of the  WGM O.V. Bolshakov on the development of draft regulatory technical documents in the field of metrology in accordance with the WGM Work Plan for 2021-2023.

- On the basis of the proposals of the Head of theWGM O. Bolshakov, the WGM members shall prepare and submit to the Executive Committee by December 1, 2020 proposals on the draft normative and technical document “Concept for the development of metrological support. digital substations ".

- The Executive Committee to summarize the proposals received and submit to the next meeting of the WGM the first edition of the draft Concept for the development of metrological support of digital substations.

- To take into account the information received from the national electric power companies of the CIS member states on the results of monitoring the application of these regulatory technical documents in production activities.

- Extend the deadline for submitting information on the use of the specified BATs in production until November 1, 2020.

- Consider the results of the monitoring of the specified BATs at the next meeting of the RGM.

- To include in the draft Agenda of the next meeting of the Working Group on Metrological Support of the CIS Electric Power Industry the issue of draft questionnaires for monitoring the application of regulatory technical documents in production in 2021:

  • Recommendations for the determination of indicators of the quality of electrical energy in relation to interstate power transmission lines (Approved by the Decision of the 47th meeting of the EES CIS dated May 26, 2015);
  • Standard requirements for an automated control system for quality indicators of electrical energy (Approved by the Decision of the 48th meeting of the CIS EPS of October 23, 2015).

- Consider it expedient for representatives of the Executive Committee to participate in the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of international scientific and technical conferences, seminars and other events in the field of metrological support in accordance with the Work Plan of the WGM of the CIS Electric Power Industry for 2021-2023.

- To ask the Executive Committee to promptly inform the relevant ministries and national electric power companies of the CIS member states about international scientific and technical conferences, seminars and other events in the field of metrological support, organized and held with the participation of the Executive Committee.

- To hold the next 29th meeting of the WGM of the CIS electric power industry in April 2021 in Moscow.

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