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On the commissioning of new generating facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan

14 апреля 2022
Views: 335

In accordance with the instructions of the head of state, the Ministry of Energy has developed the Energy Balance of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2035. Within the development of the energy complex was carried out with the calculation of the forecast values ​​of production and consumption of electricity, the necessary volumes and the structure of entering new generating capacity.

Maximum electrical loads by 2035 reached a level of 22.7 GW. Taking into account the need to ensure the reserve of capacity in the amount of up to 10%, the demand for 2035 will be 24 GW.

According to the energy balance, by 2035 the consumption of electrical energy will be about 153 billion kWh. Taking into account the volume of electrical power, alleged to decommissioning  during the time, the domestic power system is in dire need of new capacities.

It should also be noted that the generation sector has to reduce environmental impact, including adopted INDC (by 2030, a decrease in emissions by 15% to the level of 1990), the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2060.

In this regard, before 2035, it is planned to commission more than 10 GW of electrical power, including about 6.5 GW of renewable energy mainly wind power plants.

In order to minimize the negative effects of solar and wind power plants on the daily production-consumption of electricity, it is planned to introduce requirements for the use of electricity storage systems.

Unfortunately, taking into account the instability of electricity generation from renewables, due to the dependence on weather conditions, the time of year and day, it is impossible to consider them as sources of basic capacity in the country's power system.

In view of the ubiquitous refusal of international financial organizations from financing projects for the construction of coal power plants, the further commissioning of new coal generation is limited.

In this regard, in the energy balance of the country, an nuclear power plant  with installed capacity of at least 2.4 GW is provided as a new source of basic generation.


Press service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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