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On the progress of the Kambarata HPP-1 project

19 октября 2023
Views: 121

The speedy commissioning of Kambarata HPP-1 will benefit both Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. The construction of this hydroelectric power plant will create opportunities to solve problems with both increasing generation and increasing the export potential of Kyrgyzstan. In general, successful implementation of the project will ensure stabilization of the water and energy balance in the region.

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have expressed interest in the joint implementation of this project. Following a meeting at the level of the energy ministries of the three republics on January 6, 2023, the parties signed a road map. Today, the parties are considering issues of equity participation in the project of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan 34%, 33%, 33%, respectively. A draft joint agreement is being developed by the parties. The specific terms of possible cooperation have not yet been determined by the parties.

Meanwhile, the Kyrgyz side is conducting additional negotiations with potential investors. In order to ensure the investment attractiveness of Kambarata HPP-1, an active phase of construction of the preparatory stage is underway. According to the Action Plan approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, construction and installation work is currently underway to provide electricity, build access roads, a transport tunnel, and a bridge to the right bank of the Naryn River, providing access to the site of construction of the main hydroelectric power station structures. The capacity of Kambarata HPP-1 will be 1,860 MW, with an average annual output of 5.6 billion kWh.

In order to speed up the implementation of a large-scale regional project, issues of attracting financing from international financial institutions are being studied. In particular, internal procedures are being completed with the World Bank to update the feasibility study of the project. For these purposes, the Bank has allocated US$5 million, of which US$2 million is a grant and US$3 million is an interest-free loan with a repayment period of up to 2073.

In general, the implementation of the Kambarata HPP-1 construction project will become one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in Central Asia, which will strengthen the energy security and independence of the country.

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