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On the results of the work for 2021 and tasks for 2022 of organizations that are part of the system of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus

28 февраля 2022
Views: 621

On February 25, 2022, the Ministry of Energy chaired by Minister Viktor Karankevich held a board meeting “On the results of the work for 2021 and tasks for 2022 of organizations that are part of the system of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus”.

As the Minister noted, opening the meeting, in 2021, the organizations of the industry worked steadily: the tasks and key indicators brought by the Government were fulfilled, reliable energy and gas supply to consumers in the real sector of the economy and the population was ensured. Systematic work continued to upgrade the fixed production assets of energy complex to improve the reliability of the energy system.

In 2021, the total electricity production amounted to about 41 billion kWh, which is 6.4% higher than in 2020. The total electricity consumption for the reporting period reached 40.3 billion kWh (106%). Energy supply organizations supplied 37.2 million Gcal of thermal energy, or 116.3% compared to 2020.

The volume of natural gas supply by gas supplying organizations to consumers of the republic for the past year amounted to 19 billion m3. Within the framework of the Program for the Comprehensive Modernization of Peat Production in 2021, peat industry organizations extracted about 2 million tons of peat, produced 938.4 thousand tons of peat products of the fuel group and 173.5 thousand tons of the non-fuel group.

Work continued on the modernization of the energy infrastructure. In 2021, 1.8 thousand km of power transmission lines and 244 km of heating networks were built and reconstructed, 1 thousand km of gas pipelines of various categories were put into operation, more than 21 thousand apartments were gasified with natural gas.

The key project for the industry is the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. On June 10, 2021, the first power unit of the BelNPP was put into commercial operation. It is currently running at rated power. Since its inclusion in the unified energy system, 7.6 billion kWh of electricity have been generated, which made it possible to replace about 2 billion m3 of natural gas.

The readiness of the second block is 96%. In December 2021, as part of the program for the physical launch of the unit, fresh nuclear fuel was loaded into the reactor core - this is 163 reactor fuel assemblies. The assembly of the reactor plant has been completed. Its hydraulic tests were carried out, which confirmed the compliance of systems and equipment with design characteristics. At present, preparatory work for the launch of a controlled chain reaction is being completed at the second block of the station. In the near future, the unit's reactor plant will be brought to the minimum controllable power level - 1% of the nominal one. Thus, the life cycle of the reactor will begin. Next, neutron-physical studies of its core will be carried out for compliance with the requirements of the project. Successful completion of these works will allow moving on to the next stage - the power start-up of the unit with its inclusion in the country's energy system. In 2022, the unit will be put into commercial operation.

Taking into account the incentive and organizational measures adopted at the level of the Head of State and the Government, and the ongoing active work on the electrification of the housing stock, a significant increase in electricity consumption in the country has been ensured. In 2021, the increase was 2.3 billion kWh compared to 2020. At the same time, electricity consumption by the real sector of the economy over the specified period increased by 1.3 billion kWh, by the population - by 0.25 billion kWh; in the energy system - by 0.75 billion kWh.



На системной основе продолжается работа по переводу жилфонда на использование электроэнергии. Она организована по трем основным направлениям: электрификация многоквартирного жилого фонда (за пятилетку – около 2 млн кв. м., в 2021 году – введено порядка 240 тыс. кв. м.), перевод многоквартирного жилого фонда с использования твердого топлива на электроэнергию (за пятилетку планируется 92 дома с возможностью расширения этого списка), а также электрификация индивидуального жилищного фонда для целей отопления и горячего водоснабжения.

В 2021 году в энергоснабжающие организации поступило 26,5 тыс. обращений на присоединение электроустановок одноквартирных жилых домов к электрическим сетям в целях использования электрической энергии для нужд отопления, горячего водоснабжения и пищеприготовления, из них 21,8 тыс., или 82% были удовлетворены. Всего за 2019- 2021 годы поступило 67,6 тыс. обращений, удовлетворено 51,9 тыс, или 77%.

С целью создания условий по увеличению количества индивидуального жилья, переводимого на элекроотопление, энергоснабжающими организациями по согласованию с облисполкомами утверждены перспективные планы модернизации электросетей. Принят Указа Президента №381 и в его развитие постановление Правительства № 796, определяющие четкий порядок проектирования и строительства электрических сетей, возможности привлечения средств граждан на эти цели, а также алгоритм взаимодействия с населением и местными органами власти по формированию соответствующих планов.

Обозначая основные задачи, стоящие перед энергокомплексом на 2022 год, Виктор Каранкевич отметил, что 28 января состоялось важное для страны политическое и общественное событие - Глава государства обратился с Посланием к белорусскому народу и Национальному собранию. Президент обозначил приоритеты развития страны по ключевым сферам: государственное строительство, экономика, социальная политика, инновационное развитие, образование. Были затронуты и вопросы развития энергетики. «Озвученные Главой государства задачи должны быть выполнены в полном объеме», - подчеркнул Министр.

По его словам, для энергетической отрасли ключевая из них остается неизменной: укрепление энергетической безопасности страны за счет диверсификации топливно-энергетических ресурсов, увеличения использования местных видов топлива и возобновляемых источников энергии, снижение зависимости от углеводородного сырья за счет ввода в эксплуатацию БелАЭС, дальнейшая реализация мероприятий по интеграции атомной станции в энергосистему и экономику страны, а также создание условий для увеличения электропотребления реальным сектором экономики и населением.

В числе приоритетных он также обозначил задачи по увеличению объемов строительства и реконструкции электроэнергетической инфраструктуры, и соответственно, выполнение параметров, определенных двумя государственными программами - «Строительство жилья» и «Комфортное жилье и благоприятная среда», эффективная работа с кадрами, безусловное соблюдение трудовой, финансовой, исполнительской, производственной дисциплины, повышение качества оказываемых энерго- и газоснабжающими организациями услуг, дальнейшая цифровая трансформация отрасли.


Work continues on a systematic basis to transfer the housing stock to the use of electricity. It is organized in three main areas: electrification of multi-apartment housing stock (over the five-year period - about 2 million sq. m., in 2021 - about 240 thousand sq. m.), transfer of multi-apartment housing stock from the use of solid fuel to electricity (for 92 houses are planned for five years, with the possibility of expanding this list), as well as the electrification of individual housing stock for heating and hot water supply.

In 2021, energy supply organizations received 26.5 thousand requests to connect the electrical installations of single-apartment residential buildings to electric networks in order to use electrical energy for heating, hot water supply and food preparation, of which 21.8 thousand, or 82% were satisfied. In total, in 2019-2021, 67.6 thousand applications were received, 51.9 thousand, or 77%, were satisfied.

In order to create conditions for increasing the number of individual housing switched to electric heating, energy supply organizations approved long-term plans for the modernization of power grids in agreement with the regional executive committees. Presidential Decree No. 381 was adopted and, in its development, Government Decree No. 796. It defines a clear procedure for the design and construction of electrical networks, the possibility of attracting funds from citizens for these purposes, as well as an algorithm for interacting with the population and local authorities to form appropriate plans.

Outlining the main tasks facing the energy complex for 2022, Viktor Karankevich noted that an important political and social event for the country took place on January 28. The Head of State addressed a Message to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly. The President outlined the country's development priorities in key areas: state building, economy, social policy, innovative development, and education. Energy development issues were also touched upon. “The tasks announced by the Head of State must be fulfilled in full,” the Minister emphasized.

According to him, for the energy industry, the key of them remain unchanged. Among them:

  • strengthening the country's energy security through the diversification of fuel and energy resources;
  • increasing the use of local fuels and renewable energy sources; reducing dependence on hydrocarbon raw materials due to the commissioning of the BelNPP;
  • further implementation of measures on the integration of the nuclear power plant into the energy system and the economy of the country;
  • creation of conditions for increasing electricity consumption by the real sector of the economy and the population.

Among the priorities, he also outlined the tasks of increasing the volume of construction and reconstruction of the electric power infrastructure, and, accordingly, the implementation of the parameters defined by two state programs:  “Housing Construction” and “Comfortable Housing and a Favorable Environment”, effective work with personnel, unconditional observance of labor, financial performance, production discipline, improving the quality of services provided by energy and gas supply organizations, further digital transformation of the industry.

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