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Optimizing the Energy Sector in the Kyrgyz Republic

27 мая 2021
Views: 906

Today, the energy sector of the Kyrgyz Republic is in a crisis situation. The main factors affecting the current situation are a large credit load, artificial tariff containment and a significant shortage of funds. In addition to these factors, the onset of a low-water cycle is significant and, accordingly, the risk of a decrease in the water level in the Toktogul reservoir to an inactive storage.

In order to provide power consumers of the Kyrgyz Republic with the required amount of energy and maintain water volumes in the Toktogul reservoir of at least 8.2 billion m3, measures are being taken to maximize the load and power generation at the CHPP in Bishkek in 2021 to 2.5 billion kWh (the fact of 2020 is 1.4 billion kWh). This measure will save about 1.1 billion m3 of water, but at the same time, an additional 2.7 billion soms are required for the purchase of fuel resources (coal, gas, fuel oil).

Also, at present, agreements have been concluded for the exchange of electricity with the Republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the amount of up to 1.650 billion kWh, taking into account the 1st quarter of 2022, at present 646.4 million kWh of electricity have been supplied

In connection with the above facts, the energy sector resorts to forced measures to reduce the expenditure side of the budgets of energy companies in the amount of KGS 1.7 billion to reduce the deficit.

With the optimization of the organizational structure of the energy sector, a new organizational structure was approved at the National Energy Holding. At the same time, in connection with the liquidation of the internal audit services, the activities of the audit commission will be strengthened in order to effectively control the financial and economic activities of subsidiaries.

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