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Organizations of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus completed the main activities to prepare for the heating season

16 сентября 2022
Views: 126

The results of the work carried out in each region of the Republic of Belarus were discussed

September 15, 2022 at a meeting of the industry headquarters for preparations for the autumn-winter period, which was held by Deputy Minister of Energy Denis Moroz.

According to the data of energy supplying organizations, major and medium repairs of 19 power boilers, 6 turbines, 13 water-heating and 10 steam boilers were completed throughout the country. To improve the reliability of the operation of electrical equipment, complex repairs of 50 substations of various voltage classes were carried out. 136 km of heating networks were replaced, which is 132% of the plan for September 20, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 8, 2022 No. 368.

Work is nearing completion to create a stock of heating oil in the amount of 300 thousand tons for the uninterrupted and stable operation of energy sources during the heating season.

Gas supply organizations carried out a comprehensive instrumental inspection of 8.4 thousand km of underground gas pipelines, replaced 376 pieces of equipment for gas control and cabinet control points that have been in operation for over 20 years, and assessed the technical condition of 767 km of underground gas pipelines with a service life of 40 years or more.

As of September 15, more than 27 thousand thermal energy consumer readiness certificates, or 92% of their total number, as well as 9.5 thousand heat source readiness certificates - 92% of their total number have been registered in the country. The inspection staff of the State Energy and Gas Supervision Authority conducted more than 28,000 surveys of electrical and thermal installations of thermal energy consumers and heat sources, and more than 40,000 gasified multi-apartment residential buildings were inspected.

“Taking into account the reports announced today, we see that the Belarusian energy system is almost completely ready for the upcoming heating season. There are still some points that we need to pay attention to. In general, all issues should be removed before October 1,” Denis Moroz summed up.

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