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Organizations of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus will develop cooperation with the state corporation Rosatom in the field of simulator building and digital technologies

20 апреля 2023
Views: 133

The corresponding agreement was signed today at the TIBO exhibition in Minsk between State Production Association Belenergo, JSC Belenergoremnaladka, JSC Engineering and Technical Center Jet and the Сountry Office of the State Corporation Rosatom in Belarus.

The document provides for the implementation of joint projects on the use of analytical and full-scale simulator complexes in the power system, the development of digital twins of power plants technological cycles, boiler houses and other power facilities, the study and implementation of best practices in the field of operation of power equipment.

As Minister of Energy Viktor Karankevich noted at the signing ceremony of the agreement, the Ministry of Energy pays special attention to the designated areas, since the use of modern simulators at power facilities ensures a high level of training and advanced training of personnel, and the reliability of power equipment.

“Our country has accumulated certain experience in this area, there are relevant developments. We are interested in studying the possibilities of organizations of the State Corporation Rosatom in this area, the Minister noted. “I believe our interaction will be mutually beneficial.”

There are already positive examples of such cooperation - with the support of the State Corporation Rosatom, a full-scale simulator for training personnel, which is an exact copy of the control panel of a nuclear power unit, has been installed and successfully operated at the training center of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

The results of joint work in simulator building and the digital industry are also important from the point of view of import substitution, especially today - in the face of external restrictions and sanctions pressure. “With the signing of the agreement, we will take another step to strengthen the technological sovereignty of our countries,” Viktor Karankevich emphasized.

In general, cooperation between Belarus and the State Corporation Rosatom is developing in a number of areas. This is not only the construction and operation of the BelNPP, radioactive waste management, but also related industries - industry, nuclear medicine, electric transport. “The potential of our partnership has not been exhausted, and we have promising joint projects ahead,” the Minister added.

As was noted at the ceremony, the agreement will also open up new opportunities for industry organizations both in terms of improving the quality of modeling and designing parts and components for power equipment, and in conducting its virtual tests using modern digital solutions and the latest visualization tools. Particular attention will be paid to the development and implementation of domestic software for these purposes.

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