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Organizations of the energy complex of Belarus are taking the necessary measures for high-quality preparation for the upcoming heating season

21 июля 2023
Views: 110

Organizational and technical measures have been approved to ensure a stable and reliable energy supply to consumers during the heating season, schedules have been drawn up for repairs of power and process equipment at electric power facilities, task forces have been created to coordinate preparatory and repair work, and create the necessary fuel reserves.

To date, 23% of the planned work on gas turbine equipment maintenance, more than 30% of work on the repair of chimneys, cooling towers and gas ducts, and more than 35% of work on the overhaul of electrical equipment have been completed at the power system facilities.

Thermal insulation was replaced and repaired in 108.7 km heating networks - this is 51% of the plan. “The stock of fuel oil amounted to about 92%,” said Alexander Mikhnyuk, Deputy Chief Engineer of Belenergo.

A set of measures is being implemented in a timely manner to prepare for the autumn-winter period and organize gas facilities. To improve the quality of service for gas distribution system facilities, a comprehensive instrumental survey of 5.2 thousand km of underground gas pipelines was carried out, diagnostics of the technical condition of underground gas pipelines 537 km with a service life of 40 years or more were carried out - this is 78% of the plan, said the First Deputy General Director of the State Production Association Beltopgaz » Dmitry Shavlovsky.

Procurement of peat fuel products for the heating season is underway. In general, 1 million 216 thousand tons of peat have been produced in the country so far, which is 54% of the annual plan. 410 thousand tons of fuel briquettes and dried bread were produced. 86.8 thousand tons of fuel briquettes were sold to the population.

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