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Organizations of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus informed about preparations for the autumn-winter period

22 июля 2022
Views: 544

The press conference “On the preparation of organizations of housing and communal services and energy facilities of the Republic of Belarus for operation in the autumn-winter period” was held at the National Press Center on July 21.

According to Vladimir Bobrov, First Deputy Director General - Chief Engineer of Belenergo State Production Association, power engineers replaced more than 76 km of heating networks by the heating season. “Almost the same amount remains to be done,” he said.

Preparations for the autumn-winter period are being carried out in accordance with the approved schedules. On the whole, more than 20 power boilers, 14 turbines, 6 water-heating boilers and 4 steam boilers are to be overhauled across the country.

Prepare for work during the period of cold weather and electrical equipment. In total, it is planned to overhaul 20 generators, 10 power transformers, as well as a comprehensive repair of 169 substations with a voltage of 35-110 kV. Work is also underway on power lines - almost 10 thousand km of power lines have already been overhauled, which is 43% of the annual plan.

In addition, by the upcoming autumn-winter period, 1.4 thousand units have been formed to carry out emergency and restoration work with a total number of more than 7 thousand people. They are fully equipped with protective equipment, necessary materials and tools. There are 186 diesel power plants on the balance sheet of energy supplying organizations. The order of actions of operational groups was worked out when functioning in an emergency mode at low temperatures. Emergency drills are underway.

In turn, Dmitry Shavlovsky, First Deputy General Director of Beltopgaz State Production Association, informed that gas supply organizations had checked the technical condition of 388,000 units of gas-using equipment.

Planned measures are being implemented to replace and repair the main equipment of the gas distribution system. “Works on a comprehensive instrumental inspection of underground gas pipelines, assessment of their technical condition, replacement of outdated gas-using equipment are being carried out as planned,” he specified.

Procurement of peat fuel products for the heating season is underway. In the first half of 2022, the production of peat briquettes amounted to 394 thousand tons, which is 11% more compared to the same period in 2021. In total, in 2022 it is planned to produce 1 million 29 thousand tons of fuel products, which will exceed the same indicator for last year by 9%.

Dmitry Losenkov, First Deputy Director General - Chief Engineer of the State Energy and Gas Supervision Authority, drew attention to the fact that 14% of thermal energy consumers and 10% of heat sources received passports for readiness for the heating period.

In general, about 30 thousand readiness certificates of thermal energy consumers and almost 10.3 thousand readiness certificates of departmental heat sources are subject to registration throughout the country.

Their registration will last until September 30th. “This year, in terms of the pace of registration, we are a couple of percent ahead of last year's figures,” he stated.

When inspecting housing and communal services, specialists pay special attention to monitoring the performance of maintenance, repair and testing of equipment, heating networks and utilities. The operability of shut-off and control valves of equipment and pipelines, the presence of an insulating coating on pipelines and other equipment of heat consumption and hot water supply systems are assessed.

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