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Over 800 km of power grids reconstructed in Belarus in the first half of 2023

10 июля 2023
Views: 150

In the first half of 2023, more than 800 km of power grids were reconstructed in Belarus.

This is 23% more than the same period last year.

Work to modernize the power grid infrastructure, including substations of various voltage classes, is underway in all regions of the country

The largest of these projects is the reconstruction of the 750 kV Belorusskaya high-voltage substation, as well as the 220 kV Stolbtsy substation with its transfer to a higher voltage class of 330 kV.

Power lines are being upgraded in stages.

A significant part of the work is carried out at height, which requires special training from the staff. In energy supply organizations, training courses are regularly held for such specialists. In addition to theoretical knowledge, power engineers work out practical skills  in the use of personal protective equipment, the organization of self-insurance and self-evacuation, the technique of knitting knots, which you need to know when working at height.

Safety is a top priority at all stages of such work.

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