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Overview of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems

29 августа 2022
Views: 101

SO UES JSC has prepared a Weekly Review of Events that Have a Significant Impact on the Functioning and Development of World Energy Systems (08/19/2022-08/25/2022), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.


Review topics:

- American Sandia National Laboratories offers a new design for

- offshore wind turbines

US Tesla's virtual power plant participates in system services for the first time in California

- In the UK, it is planned to deploy a floating wind farm project with an installed capacity of 1 GW

- The US state of Texas is preparing an analysis of the work of wind generation and prospects

- network building

- US Congress passes $369 billion bill for energy security

- Governor of the U.S. state of California is preparing proposals to keep the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in operation

- In the US state of Michigan, 650 MW of new capacity will be added due to solar generation

- In the US state of Ohio, the construction of the Big Plain solar power plant with an installed capacity of 196 MW began

- A hybrid energy complex will be deployed in the Australian state of Queensland

- total installed capacity up to 2 GW

- British industry regulator Ofgem continues to finance the project  CrowdFlex

- Australia completes $236 million critical power infrastructure upgrade project

- In the Australian state of Queensland, a hybrid complex will be built as part of a pumped storage power plant and SNEE

- The total installed capacity of Brazilian wind farms in July this year reached 22 GW

- The Dutch company Fugro will conduct geophysical surveys of the seabed at the construction site of the offshore wind farm Norfolk Boreas

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