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Overview of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems

31 октября 2022
Views: 159

JSC "SO UPS" has prepared a Weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems (October 1, 2022-October 27, 2022), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.


Review topics:

- The European Commission has published an action plan for the digitalization of the energy sector

- Estonian Utilitas Wind has started research on a 1.2 GW offshore wind farm project in the Gulf of Riga

- Lithuanian system operator tests AI-based technologies for optimal use of transmission network bandwidth

- The Croatian system operator will invest €213 million in the modernization and expansion of the national electricity network until mid-2026

- The world's largest single-phase energy storage system was put into operation in the US state of California

- Successfully completed the first season of participation of a virtual power plant based on residential solar installations in the wholesale market in New England

- US Senate seeks clarification from ERCOT on the impact of cryptocurrency mining on the Texas power grid

- California system operator submits recommendations to state industry regulator on commissioning new generating capacity

- Industry regulator in the US state of New Jersey has developed proposals to support energy storage technologies

- The American PPL began transmitting data on the current technical condition of power lines in real time to the dispatch center of the system operator

- The governments of the Australian states of Victoria and Tasmania signed an agreement to cooperate on a project to build a high-voltage HVDC connection

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