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Overview of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems

23 января 2023
Views: 450

SO UPS JSC has prepared a Weekly Review of Events that Have a Significant Impact on the Functioning and Development of World Energy Systems (13.01.2023-19.01.2023), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.


Review topics:

- Generating companies in US PJM Interconnection operating zone to be fined for supply disruptions in extreme cold weather

- European TIGON project for the development of AC/DC hybrid microgrids is progressing well

- The Lithuanian system operator has completed reconstruction of the Telšiai substation to connect a synchronous compensator to the national power grid

- UK system operator analyzes measures to ensure balance sheet reliability in a "totally carbon-free energy system of the future"

- The German Amprion signed an agreement with Dragados and Siemens Energy for the construction of two platform and two land-based PPS in the North Sea

- The Ministry of Energy of Italy approved projects for the construction and modernization of network infrastructure with a total value of over € 2.5 billion

- Consideration has begun in Italy for a €105 million submarine electrical connection between Sicily and Calabria

- Started construction of a 840 MW combined cycle power plant in Greece

- 500 kV transmission line commissioned in Laos

- The US Department of Energy updated the map service to optimize the development of renewable energy

- The South Korean government has set a goal to bring the share of nuclear and renewable energy in the energy mix to 34.6% and 30.6% by 2030.

- The government of the Australian state of Victoria announced the creation of the country's first offshore wind generation zone

- South African Eskom continues planned consumption restrictions

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