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Overview of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems

19 января 2023
Views: 411

JSC "SO UPS" has prepared a Weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems (09.01.2023-12.01.2023), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.


Review topics:

- U.S. Regulators Announce Investigations into Power Grid Disturbances Amid Extreme Cold

- Sweden's Vattenfall conducted a survey of the seabed around the foundations of offshore wind turbines using unmanned robotic ships

- Approved the construction of a section of the cross-border electrical connection Harmony Link between the power systems of Poland and Lithuania in the Swedish economic zone of the Baltic Sea

- The UK government launched a consultation process on reforming the national capacity market

- Work begins on connecting the largest 927 MW Gennaker wind farm in the Baltic Sea to the German power grid

- The Baihetan HPP with an installed capacity of 16 GW was fully commissioned in China

- 220 MW Electric energy storage system with 440 MWh energy storage capacity is connected to the Chinese power system

- TEPCO will use the excess electricity generated by renewable energy generation for cryptocurrency mining

- 500 kV transmission line commissioned in Laos

- US state of California tops ACEEE nationwide energy efficiency rating

- US FERC directs Reliability Corporation to review physical security requirements for power grid infrastructure

- The construction of the seventh power unit with a capacity of 300 MW is being completed at the largest thermal power plant in Zimbabwe, Hwange

- The government of the Australian state of New South Wales has provided funding in the amount of $ 7 million for the implementation of the Phoenix PSP construction project

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