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Overview of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems

14 ноября 2022
Views: 145

JSC "SO UES" has prepared a Weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global power systems (04.11.2022-10.11.2022), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.


Review topics:

- The European Association of System Operators ENTSO-E has published a preliminary adequacy forecast for the winter period 2022-2023.

French Council of Ministers approves bill to speed up construction of new nuclear reactors

- Consumption flexibility management service launched in the UK

- Published the results of the second Belgian auction for the selection of capacity suppliers for four years ahead

- The Swiss system operator held a tender for the selection of suppliers of hydropower reserve capacity for the coming winter

- Spanish company Endesa invests almost €1 billion in the digitalization of the Catalan power system

- DTE Electric invests $9 billion to integrate renewable energy sources into the US state of Michigan

- The industry regulator of the US state of New Jersey approved projects for the development of network infrastructure for the connection of offshore wind farms

- Industry regulator in the US state of New Jersey has developed proposals to support energy storage technologies

- Maine Industry Regulator Approves 1 GW Onshore Wind Farm and 1.2 GW Connectivity Projects

- The system operator of the US state of California announced another record of the balancing market in the third quarter of 2022.

- American CAISO analyzed the operation of the California power grid on high alert in extreme heat

- China's SGCC will use Nokia's optical communications network to monitor production and distribution in real time

- Australian Transgrid completes upgrade of two substations in New South Wales with SmartValve technology

- A memorandum of understanding was signed on the construction of a 10 GW wind farm in Egypt

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