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Overview of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of global energy systems

13 марта 2023
Views: 90

JSC "SO UES" has prepared a Weekly review of events that have a significant impact on the functioning and development of world energy systems (03/03/2023-03/09/2023), based on materials from foreign media, official websites of network / system operators.


Review topics:

- The administrator of the wholesale market of Argentina presented preliminary data on a systemic accident in the country

- A snow storm in Texas in February of this year showed the need to strengthen measures to improve adequacy

- Australian AEMO updated data on the adequacy of power systems as part of the national electricity market

- The Swedish system operator stopped purchasing reserves for price-dependent consumption

- The contract for participation in the calculation of the transmitting  capacitance of sections in the north of Italy between European system operators and the Swiss Swissgrid has been extended

- American NYISO issued a warning about the inadmissibility of attempts to lobby for projects for the construction of power grid infrastructure

- Work began on laying a submarine cable between the island of Elba and mainland Italy

- Completed installation of the above-water part of the Baltic Eagle offshore substation

- Italian Terna has developed a digital platform for the accumulation of information on requests for connection to the network of RES based power plants

- German system operators have published plans to create an interconnected network of offshore wind farms in the North Sea

- The Dutch TenneT plans to build at least eight ground converter stations in the Netherlands by 2030.

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